Smoothwall Classwize 

Supporting effective teaching and learning in the modern, digital classroom.

Classwize - Highlights

Enables powerful, digital learning experiences for every class

Real-time visibility and control over students' online activities gives teachers confidence in class.

Keeps students focused and on-task

Teachers can pre-plan online access, and see if students go off track. 

Reduced reliance on IT

Teachers can block or unblock sites easily before or during the class without relying on IT colleagues.

Full device and OS support

Includes Chrome, Windows and MacOS.

Classwize - Watch at a glance

Key benefits

Minimise distraction:

Full teacher visibility

The Teacher Dashboard gives full visibility of students’ online activity in class, in real time.

Quickly spot off-task internet use

Spot inappropriate or off-task internet use as it happens and redirect attention as needed.

Internet access control

Prevent access to distracting, non-relevant websites and apps during the class. Close any tab a student is seeing if it’s off-task or inappropriate. Teacher-managed classroom internet policies mean the right websites and apps are available, as needed. No unwanted restrictions or delays. 


Maximise learning:

Guide and reinforce responsible use

Effectively guide students on the internet during class. Focus students on lesson-related content only by pre-selecting the specific apps and sites you want students to see during the class.

Introduce additional content as needed

Introduce any additional resource during the class and open on every student’s device simultaneously - or on individual devices only.

Get attention, quickly

Get everyone’s attention quickly by pausing the internet, either for the whole class, a group, or individual students.

Encourage positive behaviour:

Support self-moderation

Support self-moderation by identifying and rewarding those students doing the right thing online.

Give rewards

Reward students with limited access to resources they wouldn’t normally access in school, such as gaming.

Discreet help

Send a direct message to an individual student without embarrassing them in front of the class or disturbing anyone else.


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