Smoothwall has always been, and will forever be, dedicated to UK education. 

Why choose Smoothwall 

There are many different reasons why a school, college or multi-academy trust might decide to partner with us. What's important for one organisation might not be so relevant for another. But there are four factors that customers consistently tell us they value the most about Smoothwall.

100% focus on UK education

Our experience is vast. And it needs to be. UK education has some of the most rigorous statutory safeguarding requirements in the world. We deeply understand them. We help our customers to navigate them. As well as to make sense of, and address, the ever-changing digital landscape.

Scale and multi-tenancy specialists

As MATs continue to grow, solutions capable of handling multiple sites become a necessity. Smoothwall has been working hand-in-hand with MATs for over a decade, aligning our roadmap to deliver the functionality they need and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, together. Today we’re the leading specialist for MAT safeguarding technology, but the development journey continues. 

Diverse team

Smoothwall began life when a small group of engineers and a small team of forward-thinking school ITs began solving a problem few had considered before – student digital safety.

That was nearly 25 years ago. Today we are home to some of the world’s leading digital safety engineers, product and technical specialists, and support, sales and communication teams. They in turn are supported by our child psychologists, ex-police officers, former teachers, DSLs and school IT leaders.

Together we provide digital safety and wellbeing solutions for every stakeholder in a school community.

A partner for IT and the whole school community  

We couldn’t do what we do without input from our IT customers. That will never change. But continual updates to statutory guidance bring a need to support additional stakeholders.

Our technology solutions now work hand-in-hand with consultancy services, with training and an online safety hub for teachers and DSLs, apps and webinars for parents, and education for governors. 

We’re not just a vendor. Our goal is to be a partner and to give as much value and build as much trust as we can. For the long term. 

Supporting the whole school community

How we can help

We take a strategic approach to help our schools understand the sufficiency of their digital wellbeing provision and invest only where needed.

We use our Digital Safety & Wellbeing Framework to guide us. It helps our schools to stand back, assess their gaps  and discuss their priorities.

It also helps them to better understand the types of solutions available to them in the market.

And it shows the world-leading solutions Smoothwall can provide, the strategic role each plays, how they harmonise support genuine cultural transformation.

Click to learn more about the Smoothwall Digital Safety and Wellbeing Framework.



Schools, colleges and multi-academy trusts use our Framework to help them achieve key objectives. 

Education leaders
Improve student outcomes

Significantly reduce the digital risks and distractions that impede learning. Better wellbeing equals better academic achievement.

Create a safer school

Spot risks quickly for earlier intervention. Create more ways for students to speak up. Identify and close safety and wellbeing gaps.

Ensure cost-efficiency

A framework view helps better targeting of resources, as well as streamlining existing operations for efficiency and cost savings.

Support staff mental health

Achieve a more balanced distribution of safety and wellbeing responsibility. Avoid the stresses caused by disproportionate loads. Ensure everyone has the tools and support to play their part.

Pastoral and wellbeing staff
Spot at-risk students sooner

Easier, quicker and more accurate visibility of students at risk. Intervene earlier for reduced escalation and need for longer term support.

Engage and uplift students

Increase opportunities for vulnerable students to speak up. Increase student awareness and promote peer to peer education. Decrease numbers of students requiring intensive support.

Build a more engaged stakeholder community

Empower teachers and parents/carers with the tools and confidence to ensure digital safety and wellbeing in school and at home.

Exceed minimum compliance

Identify and close safety and wellbeing gaps. Supplement existing approaches and demonstrate a proactive strategy across the whole school community. 

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