
Smoothwall Cloud Scan

Smoothwall Cloud Scan

Detect and remove harmful images in your cloud storage 

Cloud Scan - Highlights

Run daily scans
Scan your school or college's Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive for inappropriate or harmful images across four different categories.

Block access to harmful imagery
When a potentially harmful image is found, Cloud Scan flags it to the safeguarding team for review.

Alert designated staff
Designated staff are notified to review content and choose to permit or block access to it.

Key benefits

Make images safe within 24 hours

Full contextual data and image categorisation allow designated staff to see, assess and act immediately. Images can be made safe within minutes without the need for further investigation, resulting in minimal disruption.

Supports compliance

Cloud Scan adheres to the UK Safer Internet Centre's Appropriate Monitoring Guidance. It addresses risk categories associated with imagery identified in KCSIE including risque and porn.

No IT burden

Designated staff receive full contextual data to make immediate decisions without requiring IT support, saving valuable time. 


See Cloud Scan in action!


Book your demo

Further reading

Download our Cloud Scan brochure

Learn how it works and the clear benefits it brings to those responsible for student digital safety.


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