
Training & Consultancy

Smoothwall Training & Consultancy

Helping leaders, DSLs, governors and their parent communities towards digital safety excellence.

Training & Consultancy - Highlights

Dedicated support for schools, colleges, MATs and local authorities

Help to create safe and productive digital learning environments for students.

Expert, trustworthy support

Former teachers and DSLs, our consultants are digital safety experts with a first-hand understanding of UK education settings. 

Support delivery is customised to every environment

Can include 1:1 sessions, safety and wellbeing audits, planning workshops, webinars, talks, parent events and more.


Key benefits

Improve student safety and wellbeing:

Create a safer school
Know how to spot risks sooner for earlier intervention. Create more ways for students to speak up. Identify and close wellbeing gaps. 
Build a more engaged community
Help to empower teachers,  parents/carers and governors with the tools and confidence to ensure digital safety and wellbeing in school and at home.
Exceed compliance

Support to identify and close safety and wellbeing gaps. Learn where to supplement existing approaches to meet and exceed KCSIE. Help to develop a proactive strategy across the whole school community.


Choice of delivery for different stakeholders:


Audits, analysis and strategic planning on single areas of concern or more broadly across digital safety and wellbeing.  

Parental webinars
Live webinars for parent communities to equip them with the knowledge and confidence to guide their child's online experiences responsibly.
DSL workshops
Dedicated sessions that empower DSLs with the latest digital safety information to help them excel in their roles.
School talks
In person talks to the school at large or in groups. Help and insights on the role everyone can play to create safer and smarter digital school communities. 

Further reading

Vulnerable Students Who Don’t Speak Up_thumbnail Download PDF
Navigating Digital Wellbeing Challenges With Confidence
A Complete Guide to Digital Monitoring for School_thumbnail Download PDF
A Complete Guide to Digital Monitoring for Schools
Safeguarding the Safeguarder_thumbnail Download PDF
Who's Safeguarding the Safeguarders?

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