Taking place across the UK, our one-day events are a fantastic way for our IT and DSL customers to come together and discuss all things student digital safety and wellbeing. And they're also free of charge.
More dates and locations to be announced soon.
Sign up now to be the first to know about future customer conference locations!
The Education Exchange, Education House,
Spawd Bone Lane,
WF11 0EP
CLC Health and Fitness Centre
Malvern Rd
GL50 2NX
The Basildon Lower Academy
Timberlog Cl,
SS14 1UX
10.10-10.20am - The Smoothwall Impact 2023
Tom Newton, VP of Unification, Smoothwall
10.20-10.50am - KCSIE/DfE 2023 Legislation Updates
Kat Howard, Head of Education and Wellbeing, Smoothwall
11.00-11.25am - Smoothwall Product Vision 2023
Tom Newton, VP of Unification, Smoothwall
11.25-12.00pm - Integrating Filtering - How & Why?
Tom Newton, VP of Unification, Smoothwall
12.00-12.40pm - Lunch
12.40-13.15pm - A whole School Approach to Safeguarding
Kat Howard, Head of Education & Wellbeing, Smoothwall
13.15-13.50pm - Customer Experience
14:00-14:20pm - David Wright, Director, UK Safer Internet Centre
David will discuss the latest regulations around web filtering and monitoring and any upcoming changes you need to know.
14.20-15.00pm - Open forum Q&A
Talk to an expert or book a demo. Our Digital Wellbeing experts are waiting to help.
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