Smoothwall Insights:

Who's Safeguarding the Safeguarders?

The pressures of the DSL role are well known. However, the impact on students and those dealing with these occurrences may be less understood.

To determine the extent of this problem, we asked DSLs and headteachers across the UK for their input. Additionally, we investigated ways in which leaders can alleviate the pressure for their safeguarding staff. This paper, produced by Smoothwall’s digital safety experts, shares these findings and offers practical guidance for DSLs and leaders.

Key takeaways include:

  • Why Safeguard the Safeguarders, and Why Now? 

  • Recognising the Stress Factors
  • Helping to Alleviate the Stress 

Essential reading for:

DSLs, headteachers, governors and leaders wanting a more practical understanding of ways to support the wellbeing of safeguarding staff. We’d be happy to help.


Closing the gaps that children fall through

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