Smoothwall Insights:

Student Digital Wellbeing
State of the Nation Report 2024

As school leaders and educators, it is now imperative to understand and address the evolving landscape of online safety and its impact on student wellbeing. 

In this whitepaper, discover the key issues affecting UK children today, and the most effective strategies for promoting online safety and wellbeing across your school community.

Download now to:

  • Spot the risks: Understand the prevalent risks and current digital trends impacting UK children.

  • Avoid the blind spots: Learn how your school can recognise potential blind spots in online safety.
  • Learn 3 key risk mitigation strategies that you can implement in your setting today.

Topics covered include

This Silencing Effect | Up-Ageing | Machine Drift | Deepfakes and Emerging Technologies | Filter Avoidance and more...

Essential reading for:

DSLs, Headteachers, IT staff or anyone responsible for the digital safety and wellbeing of students within UK education.


Closing the gaps that children fall through

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