Our experts regularly publish papers to help customers comply with their KSCIE obligations. The following relate to the filtering and monitoring changes in 2023. For further articles please also browse our Resources section.
Below are some technical documents IT teams may find useful.
Thomas Kates IT & Commercial Manager at Boundry Oak School and Conifers School explains why they decided to adopt Smoothwall Filter over the standard provision.
Leaders and pastoral staff may find the documents below useful. More information on different safeguarding solutions, and the role they play in a student wellbeing strategy, can be found at Digital Safety and Wellbeing Framework.
Discover the benefits of utilising Smoothwall's digital monitoring, student wellbeing and digital learning
solutions within UK schools, colleges and MATs.
Ben Jeffrey, Executive Headteacher at Westley Middle School shares his experience and explains how his school uses the data from Pulse to look for important trends.
Doug Pitts, Deputy Headteacher at Orrell Newfold Community Primary, explains why his school made the move to Smoothwall Online Safety Hub.
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