What is Real-Time, Content-Aware Web Filtering?

By Smoothwall
4 minute read

In the world of web filtering, one type of filter sits a class above the rest: real-time, content-aware web filters. 

These powerful digital safeguarding tools utilise cutting edge technology to perform a nuanced, targeted method of web filtering. The result is an online environment in which students can freely explore the internet while enjoying a high level of protection from harmful content. 

What is content-aware web filtering?

Where basic tools like DNS or URL filters rely on pre-existing blocklists of sites and web pages to decide which content to restrict, content-aware filters assess the actual content of a web page. 

The web address is just the beginning. A content-aware filter will analyse words and media, as well as the context and construction of the web page a user is attempting to access. This gives it the power to detect harmful or unwanted content, even when it is hidden using anonymous proxies, when it is user-generated content as part of a larger site (e.g. Reddit or YouTube), or when it is on a previously unseen, or very new site.  

Assessing the content, context and construction of a web page is also known as granular filtering, and it significantly reduces overblocking (when a filter blocks pages with potential educational value) and underblocking (when a filter fails to restrict harmful content). 

Unfortunately, due to the potentially ambiguous nature of the term “content filter”, the label is sometimes applied to simple URL web filters. Only filters that inspect the content of web pages can be considered content-aware.

What is real-time web filtering?

Real-time web filtering means that pages are analysed for harmful content at the point of request, instantly. In other words, assessment takes place and permission is granted or denied while the user is navigating the internet. This technique ensures that there is no delay between harmful content going live and the filter blocking it. 

Not all content-aware filters possess real-time analysis capabilities. Some may grant access to web pages based on analysis conducted days, weeks or even months ago. As dangerous content often moves between different domains, turning previously harmless pages into potential safeguarding threats, this puts students in a vulnerable position. 

100% real-time filters base decisions on the most up-to-date information possible to effectively filter content. This approach is the only way to ensure safety for children when dealing with a constantly-evolving ecosystem like the internet.

Combined to create the ultimate online learning experience

A filter that combines real-time and content-aware capabilities empowers schools to let their students explore the internet with confidence and security. Without the level of protection this technology provides, educators may find themselves having to restrict large amounts of online content (some of which have educational benefits) just to keep their pupils safe.

Real-time, content-aware web filters can also be programmed to establish appropriate learning environments for different age groups. Flexible controls offer the ability to give older students access to more complex or challenging content, which they need to be exposed to in order to develop skills like critical thinking. These pupils will soon be adults with full access to the internet, so it’s important that they are educated to use it responsibly and with care. 

Take digital safeguarding to the next level

Real-time, content-aware web filters offer schools, colleges and MATs:

  • Instant analysis of all web-based content
  • Enhanced cyber security by protecting both networks and users
  • Flexibility and peace of mind for IT teams and school leaders 
  • A rich online educational experience for students

They also happen to be the only web filters capable of establishing appropriate standards of online safety as outlined by KCSIE and other statutory guidance.

Real-time, content-aware web filtering and Smoothwall

Smoothwall was the pioneer of content-aware filtering in UK education and remains the only web filter to provide genuine, 100% real-time protection - removing any potential for children to see harmful content, no matter how recently it went live. Already trusted by 1 in 3 schools, Smoothwall Filter offers the highest level of protection from digital threats, while still allowing students to reap the many benefits of online learning. 

That’s just the beginning… 

To learn more about how real-time, content-aware web filtering is transforming digital safeguarding, download our latest guide: A Complete Guide to Real-Time, Content-Aware Web Filtering.
